Hello hello, long time no write!
I’ve been busy busy busy over the past couple of months spending every spare second I have drawing my first colouring in book!
I’m REALLY excited about having it finished in time for Christmas… a perfect present for anyone who has joined in the colouring in craze. Here’s a peek at part of the cover…

I really have to thank all my followers on Facebook who have prodded me into doing this. It all stemmed from my ‘doodle-a-day’ project which was inspired by the lovely Emily Kidson who I met earlier this year. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for over 20 years but never had the confidence to. I’ve been overwhelmed by the amazing positive response I’ve had to it so far – and I haven’t even picked it up from the printers yet!
Please email me on becky@thewellnowco.intarcs.com for pre-orders. They will also be listed on my Etsy shop (re-opening asap especially!). I am picking the first batch up from the printers this week but it’s already becoming clear that I need to order more!
Here is a link to my latest newsletter where you can find details of all the shows I am taking part in on the run up to Christmas as well as details of my new wrapping paper.
Say HELLO if you see me 🙂