Today I finally finished making my Pistachio Queen!
She is made from stainless steel wire, silver plated wire, enamelled copper wire, a champagne cork, a piece of rusty metal picked up from the side of a road, drift wood and lots of pistachio shells.
I started her about 6 years ago when I saved and painted some pistachio shells gold and turquoise, and finally this year I’ve been adding to her parts when I’ve had the odd hour here and there.
On 31st May 204 I am running a workshop on making little characters out of wire incorporating up-cycled and found objects; while there may not be time in 5 or 6 hours to make something as complicated as the Pistachio Queen, you could come away with your own inventive person to hang in your home. Here are a few things I would be bringing along to the workshop if I was attending. The bits and bobs include washers, scribbles of fishing line found on the beach (make great hair!) bits of smoothed glass, zip pulls, fir cones, an old glasses lens… the possibilities are endless! You could always bring along sentimental items like scraps of favourite fabrics, broken jewellery or even old photos. The sky is the limit! For more information, please go to the contact me page or comment below.