Up-cycled and found objects, Pistachio Queen

Today I finally finished making my Pistachio Queen!pistachio queen f She is made from stainless steel wire, silver plated wire, enamelled copper wire, a champagne cork, a piece of rusty metal picked up from the side of a road, drift wood and lots of pistachio shells.pistachio queen e
pistachio queen dI started her about 6 years ago when I saved and painted some pistachio shells gold and turquoise, and finally this year I’ve been adding to her parts when I’ve had the odd hour here and there.

On 31st May 204 I am running a workshop on making little characters out of wire incorporating up-cycled and found objects; while there may not be time in 5 or 6 hours to make something as complicated as the Pistachio Queen, you could come away with your own inventive person to hang in your home. Here are a few things I would be bringing along to the workshop if I was attending. The bits and bobs include washers, scribbles of fishing line found on the beach (make great hair!) bits of smoothed glass, zip pulls, fir cones, an old glasses lens… the possibilities are endless! You could always bring along sentimental items like scraps of favourite fabrics, broken jewellery or even old photos. The sky is the limit! For more information, please go to the contact me page or comment below.bits & bobs

Jenny Mendes

Jenny Mendes is an artist I came across when I first joined Etsy.

I absolutely LOVE her work. In a time when there is so much art being churned out by so many people in every media imaginable (or even unimaginable!) it’s so refreshing to find art which is so utterly unique; everything she produces is instantly recognizable as hers.

No more words, just take a look at these lovely pieces by Jenny Mendes.

Jenny Mendes - Ceramic Plate
Jenny Mendes – Ceramic Plate
Jenny Mendes - Mother and Child ceramic tile
Jenny Mendes – Mother and Child ceramic tile
Jenny Mendes - Giclee print - The Birdfeeder
Jenny Mendes – Giclee print – The Birdfeeder

























See more of her work here: https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/jennymendes

A productive day !

More mini collages this morning, then at lunchtime I remembered I was actually meant to be making earrings for a little shop in South Brent called www.theforestandco.com

… so I started doing that but then got a bit more distracted and ended up making lots of new tiny stud earrings instead… so TOMORROW I’ll make the earrings I was meant to be making today!

Mini Collage from 27th January 2014 Mini Collage from 27th January 2014 Mini Collage from 27th January 2014 Some new tiny silver stud earrings

Collages and Broadway Project

I’m back in my studio today for the first time in weeks and it’s GREAT of course.

I cranked the heater up (it was colder inside than out!), crossed a load of stuff off my long long list of things to do, found some amazing music on the internet to listen to http://www.broadwayproject.co.uk which inspired a couple of mini collages, there’s some lovely metallic ink on there but it doesn’t show up well in the photos :

IMG_6650 IMG_6649

Adult Wire Workshops


Just to let you know that I’m planning some exciting wire workshops for adults, by popular request, in 2014. These will be running mostly at Mad Hatters Studio in Plympton. http://www.madhattersstudio.com/

If you would like to be kept up to date about these, please email me at becky@thewellnowco.intarcs.com and I’ll let you know what’s happening and when.


Massive xylophone…..

Early this morning a small deer clattered over the road in front of me as I was out on a bike ride. The sound really stuck in my head.

Now listen to/watch this – I’m not interested by the smartphone at the end, but it’s amazing!
