I had a fun morning yesterday playing with some new ideas that have been floating about in my head for aaaaaaaages. A long time ago I started collecting the little round offcuts from my husband’s woodwork – apart from being lovely tactile shapes they have so many possibilities in my mind! Stacking blocks, oversized beads, stands for my work at shows, and plinths for little tiny works of art.
My 18 month old daughter is *obsessed* with balloons at the moment and I imagined her grabbing hold of one and floating off on a little adventure, and this is what I came up with:

I’ve also been playing with little wire 3D birds for a while but kept them hidden from everybody – but here is one I made yesterday:

Based on my favourite chicken at the moment, Great Aunt Eleanor (because she looks like a Victorian Great Aunt!) I forgot to give her any eyes, but as an experiment I think she works quite well!
I’m looking forward to making more of these and putting them into my Etsy shop asap.
Oh by the way – I made some lovely new mobiles which I’m ever so proud of, here is a picture of one:

Which is available to buy from my Etsy shop HERE
Now I’m off to have another look at the beautiful ‘Line Up’ which I went to see the other day and can highly recommend a visit to – but hurry up as it’s only on until March 6th.