I love this. I wish I could get myself organized enough to do a time lapse!
I like this work
Massive xylophone…..
Early this morning a small deer clattered over the road in front of me as I was out on a bike ride. The sound really stuck in my head.
Now listen to/watch this – I’m not interested by the smartphone at the end, but it’s amazing!
A little animation by Jenni Rope
Watch this:
It is absolutelly BEAUTIFUL! I’ve been wanting to make an animation out of all my bits of collage shapes and colours for many, many years now but never find the time… this one by Jenni Rope is stunning!
Sparkwell School Collage Christmas Card workshop – tomorrow!
I’m running another workshop at Sparkwell All Saints Primary School this coming Saturday 30th Nov from 10 – 12, again it’s totally FREE! This week we’ll be getting messy with paint (acrylic paint which doesn’t wash out of clothes so PLEASE wear your oldest kit & bring aprons!), painting paper to turn into fabulous, unique collage Christmas cards. On December 7th we’ll be turning old style clothes pegs into Christmas angels. Or pirates. Or snowmen, whatever takes your fancy!
BOOKING IS ESSENTIAL FOR BOTH WORKSHOPS either via me or the school. Please forward to anyone you think may be interested.
Crazy hair…
I thought I’d share some wire ladies that I’m taking to Crux Craft Fair this weekend. I’ve really enjoyed making these, and have some ideas for new ladies when I get the time…
Some of the ladies hair is made from scribbles of fishing line washed up on the beach. The coppery hair is made from some thin copper thread which was given to me by Jenny Ayrton who makes the most beautiful glass pieces. The copper thread is from something which gets dropped into the sea, I think to measure depth… I can’t quite remember the details now!
Doll a day
I have a cabinet of curious dolls. Some I’ve found on the road or the beach, some have been given to me, some I’ve made myself and a few I’ve bought in village craft fairs, charity shops and car boot sales.
So I am really addicted to a facebook page called “doll a day” – it’s right up my street. They post a photo of an odd doll every day with a caption attached. If you like this kind of thing, then take a look HERE – if you don’t like spooky, wierd, eery, freaky dolls then whatever you , don’t look!!!
I should really get some photos of my own freaky dolls from my cabinet, I love them!
Christmas is zooming towards us fast!
My events this week:
Hannah’s at Seale Hayne Christmas Fayre – Friday 15th & Saturday 16th November, 10 – 5 both days, with over 50 stalls, food and drink and entertainment.
Please come along to support this great charity.
On Sunday I’ll be at Mad Hatters Studio’s Christmas Fayre in Plympton.
Also selling their wares will be Sheron King, Peter Lanyon, Jacqui Harris, In a Bag, Mary Toon, Sarah Brown and Sarah Szaniszlo.
My Christmas decorations are available wherever I’m exhibiting this year, as well as from my Etsy shop here: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/167471557/silver-plated-wire-and-sequin-christmas?ref=shop_home_active
Also my new 2013 Christmas cards: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/166943559/small-christmas-cards-variety-pack-of-5?ref=shop_home_active