New Cards

I’ve finally got round to updating my shop with new card designs as well as some CHRISTMAS cards!

Who doesn’t love to receive a super hand-written card through the post? If the past 20 months have taught us anything, it’s that the small things you do for people bring the biggest smiles and happiness. A card doesn’t cost much but it’s a brilliant way of sending a few words just to let someone know that you’re thinking of them. Far more personal than a text or Whats App message, this one will linger on a shelf maybe even for a few months (or often longer, if you’re in our house!) I don’t know about you but I spend ages choosing which image would suit which friend or relative.

All of this plus buying cards from designers, you’re helping to keep small businesses going. The #justacard campaign puts so clearly the message from a gallery who had recently closed down:

“If everyone who’d complimented our beautiful gallery had bought just a card we’d still be open.”

Please check out the cards section of my shop HERE






Craft Fair at Bovey Tracey, 10 – 12 September 2021

I’m very excited to be exhibiting at the Craft Festival at Bovey Tracey this week, from Friday 10 – Sunday 12 September. I’m snuggling up with other associate members of the Devon Guild of Crafts and you can find me in Marquee D, stand D1.

This year tickets need to be booked in advance; to do this you need to go to 

See you there, be sure to pop by and say hi!

Calming mobiles, hanging home decor made from recycled plastic bottles

Since being back in lockdown again I’ve brought my mobile making equipment into the house from my studio to work on the floor, mostly in 30 second bursts inbetween my daughter asking questions about her home school work!
I’ve had a couple of retail enquiries, as well as sales of mobiles from my Etsy shop. One of these is flying off to California… I know I try to encourage shopping local, but I’m not turning away any business that comes my way at the moment, after an extremely quiet sales time over Christmas 2020!


Hello! My first blog post in an age. How life has changed over the past 3 months. I drafted this at the start of lockdown when I had a moment to myself, but technical troubles stopped me making it live.

Anyway, I wanted to share a little animation that I made at the very end of the first week of homeschooling due to lockdown, I think I had decided that the trampoline could babysit for an hour!!! (I’m sure I won’t be the only one who has resorted to that occasionally…)

Hopefully you’ll be able to watch this which I made using a free app called stop motion studio and even more hopefully it will bring a little smile to your face.



Happy New year !

More like Happy New several years as I see that my last blog post was in 2016… well, it’s been a busy time helping to grow my daughter and watch her blossom into a beautiful, crazy 5 and a half year old.

And looking back at the last wire work I put on here, so much has changed. It’s really interesting to see just how much it has grown and developed and I feel that its also gained strength and narrative.

Last year I gave myself the challenge of joining the Devon Guild of Craftsmen as an associate member, which I achieved in September (hooray!); it gave me real incentive to think carefully about what I was making and the stories behind it.

I’ve really loved seeing people’s reactions to my work recently, and it genuinely does seem to make people really happy and brings joy. So in this world of ‘stuff’ and the feeling that I’ve had lately of just contributing to it all and wondering where’s the justification in my making more dust collectors (!?), surely making people happy is a good justification. There really isn’t anything else I can do so I am stuck with making more stuff !

I’m just going to keep this brief with a few pictures of some of my favourite things that I’ve made this year. Let’s hope it’s not another 3 years til my next post on here.

A commission made for Christmas, something I’ve had in my head for ages…
An eco friendly mobile made from cleaned out shampoo bottles
A lady with autumnal golden oak leaves for hair on walnut wood block
Reach for the stars! Small copper wire ladders with paper additions.
The most mammoth piece I’ve made yet, almost a meter wide, it took more than a couple of weeks of solid work and a LOT of brain ache… my comfort zone is working miniature !

It would be lovely to hear your thoughts so please feel free to comment…

Aye eye!

Good evening!IMG_20160518_204625








Doodle on envelope 18th May 2016


New work

It’s been a while since I made any completely new work as I’ve been so time poor for the past few years, but here is some I’ve been working on. Some is available in my shop and some is already sold (yippee!) and I’m also still very happy to make commissions. So if you have an idea for a special gift (I’ve just completed a beautiful wedding present commission) please get in touch! I’ve had lots of fun on the beach with my daughter searching for lovely bits of driftwood over the past few months and some of it is coming up here…

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Kite Flying! Click here for more details





Roosting Birds. Click here if you want to see in more detail



Chicken – click here for more details




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And this is a larger wire drawing – go here for more images and details

Steve Mason Video

I MISS the Beta Band!

I haven’t heard any of Steve Mason’s (Beta Band’s lead singer) solo stuff until just now, and have just watched (most of) this video. I like 🙂