Every time I come across an artist whose work really speaks to me and when I do I just want to tell everybody about it! Of course, art is something very personal and not everybody appreciates the same thing – thank goodness – so I don’t expect you all to share my love of Betsy Walton’s work.
Why do I like it so much? Well I LOVE her vibrant use of colour! I think also I see patterns and shapes in her work which I also like to use a lot, so it feels like we speak in the same ‘words’. I feel that her work is very personal – I can’t imagine it being accidentally identified as being made by anybody else. That to me is very important in my own work. A lot of art I see I just don’t ‘get’ – I have absolutely no idea of what the artist was thinking or feeling when they did it – but with Betsy’s work I feel like I understand what she was feeling at the time when she produced it. Actually that sounds very presumptious. Maybe what I mean is that her work makes me feel something. Or that it speaks to me. Art is open to the viewer’s own interpretation.
Anyway, enough of words. It’s better to see her actual images, otherwise she might as well have just written it all down instead of painted it!
Here is a link to her WEBSITE